More than 70 years of combined experience fighting for people in Jefferson City

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers For Osage Beach Workers

Eventually, every person working may need to file a workers’ compensation claim because accidents are unpredictable. Injuries can happen in even the most nonphysical of jobs, and when they do happen, you need to know how to pursue a claim. Missouri workers’ compensation is a complex system, but with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney on your side, it can be a lot easier.

With over 70 years of combined experience, people in Osage Beach have sought out the attorneys of Grayson & Grayson for all their injury law needs. Injured workers do not have the time or energy to figure out the next steps or the right form. They need help as soon as possible so they can get back to work. We can help you with that.

Strength And Smarts For Injured Workers

The Workers’ compensation system in Missouri is meant to be self-service, but the reality is more complex. The application filings and denials that workers face when trying to secure coverage for major injuries are a lot to handle, especially if you have an injury such as:

  • Carpal tunnel from continuous wrist usage at a computer
  • Back strain from lifting and bending as part of your day-to-day duties
  • Burns, cuts or acute injuries from a work accident
  • Post-traumatic stress from a serious accident at work
  • Illnesses caused by the toxic exposure at work

Every single type of injury you could get in any workplace may receive compensation. And while some claims may eventually go through the personal injury system, you should receive the care and attention you deserve.

How Long Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Last?

Workers’ compensation benefits include wage replacement and medical care and typically continue until you can return to work. The goal of workers’ compensation is ultimate recovery. However, if you have a permanent partial disability and can never return to your job, you may be able to get some lasting compensation.

We Are Dedicated To You

We put our clients first and pursue the outcomes they deserve in filing our workers’ compensation claims. We know that this is a tough time for you, but our dedication and strength are something you can put your faith in. Call us at 573-255-8997 or send an email using this form.