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What types of damages can be recovered from a spinal cord injury?

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2024 | Catastrophic Injuries

Among the more devastating injuries a person can suffer are those affecting the spinal cord. Such injuries greatly affect the victim as well as their loved ones. If you or someone close to you suffered a spinal cord injury, there are certain damages you can claim in a personal injury case. In any case, it is important to get legal help as soon as possible. Skilled Missouri accident lawyers at Grayson & Grayson can help defend your rights and help you recover the damages you deserve.

Medical Expenses
Spinal cord injuries require extensive treatment, which means you will have enormous medical expenses. These expenses can include doctor’s bills, hospital visits, prescriptions for medication, special medical equipment, physical therapy, rehabilitation and ambulatory costs. In a personal injury claim, these expenses can be addressed and paid for by those responsible for the injury.

Lost Wages
With a spinal cord injury it is likely you will miss time from work and possibly be unable to work again.  Even if you are able to work, you may have limited abilities due to your injuries.

Assistance and Renovations in Your Home
With a spinal cord injury drastic life changes are often required including in-home medical assistance and renovations to your home. If you are unable to do basic daily tasks, you would need an aide to assist you. If you required the use of a wheelchair, renovations will be needed in your home to accommodate these changes.  The cost of these changes and assistances represent a portion of the harms caused to you and your family, which can be compensated back to you in a personal injury lawsuit.

Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering is another damage which can be compensated in a spinal cord injury claim. The severity of pain and the harms experienced with a spinal cord injury are horrendous.  These losses can include the daily agony, loss of emotional and mental wellbeing, emotional distress, anxiety or depression.

Loss of Consortium
If a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury and is unable to live a normal life as a result, you may be entitled to loss of consortium damages in your claim. This is especially true if your relationship has suffered as a result of the injury.  Consortium claims address the losses suffered by the spouse or family member.

Punitive Damages
If the defendant’s actions or behavior were extremely outrageous in causing your injury, you can claim punitive damages. Punitive damages are awarded as a way to punish the defendant for their behavior or actions related to causing your injury.

If you or a loved one have suffered from a spinal cord injury, you need an experienced Missouri injury attorney on your side. An aggressive attorney at Grayson & Grayson can help you in preparing a personal injury claim and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. Contact a Missouri accident attorney right away and get the help you need.